C.razy I.n L.ove (Y.iannis Outstanding Velvet Tribal Mix)
N.aughty G.irl (V.ictor C.alderone And M.cquayle Remix)
B.eautiful L.iar (F.reemasons Club Vox Mix)
G.reen L.ight (F.reemasons Club Mix)
I.rreplacable (A.nder S.tanding Tribe Mix)
U.ntil T.he E.nd O.f T.ime (R.alphi R.osario Radio Edit)[with J.ustin]
G.et M.e B.odied (R.ichard M.ore Tribal Pride Mix)
C.heck O.n I.t (R.afael L.elis Tribal Mix)
D.eja V.u (A.renna Unreleased Club Mix)
M.e M.yself & I (W.arren R.igg & T.ony M.oran Mix)
L.isten (D.om C.apello & E.scape Club Mix)
R.ing T.he A.larm (F.reemasons Club Mix)
U.pgrade U (E.dson P.ride Club Mix)
O.ne N.ight O.nly (E.ric K.upper & R.ichie J.ones Club Mix)
B.aby B.oy (J.unior V.asquez Club Anthem Remix)
W.ork I.t O.ut (V.ictor C.alderone Mix)
Click on image to download.
*Hidden bonus track within the mix