Baba, a mysterious character, runs Prayogshala, a centre for rehabilitation from all sorts of addictions and afflictions.
And when K meets Baba Bengali, he walks into an agreement which is frozen because once agreed upon, K can't come out of it.
Proud and desperate, K pushes the buttons, throws caution to the wind and challenges Baba's beliefs.
He lights up once... his car blows to smithereens, with him in it! And that's just the beginning.
What follows is a breathless, smoky game of one-upmanship between the self-assumed all-knowing Baba and a frantic, unsuspecting man, K.
Finally, K realises that he can't escape Baba no matter what he tries unless he completes his side of the contract.
What will happen to K? Is his wife involved in some way or the other to help K to quit smoking? And does K manage to come out of the contract unscathed?
Source : Santabanta.com
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