Hayes released his first solo album "Spin" in 2002. The album sold two million copies worldwide, debuted at #2 in the UK album charts and spawned the hit single "Insatiable". Hayes' second solo album "The Tension and the Spark" marked a big change of direction for the singer-songwriter, showing him experimenting with electronica and darker lyrics.
Hayes parted way with his record company in 2006 and started his own independent record label Powdered Sugar, from which he would release his third solo album "This Delicate Thing We've Made" (2007). This megamix is specially dedicated to Dave Conner.

I M.iss Y.ou (Dallas Austin Remix)
S.trange R.elationship (F3 Mix)
L.isten A.ll Y.ou P.eople (EJ Happy Remix)
R.andom B.linking L.ight (EJ Club Remix)
S.o B.eautiful (Moto Blanco Club Mix)
D.arkness (Roc & Soul Club Mix)
O.n T.he V.erge O.f S.omething W.onderful (Wayne G & Andy Allders Totally 80's Mix)
S.tep I.nto T.he L.ight (Wayne G & Andy Allder Circuit Anthem)
M.e, M.yself & I (7th Heaven Club)
I L.ike T.he W.ay (Wayne G Afterhours Mix)
A F.ear O.f F.alling U.nder (EJ 2008 Remix)
C.rush (1980 Me) (TT's Extended Re-Edit)
A C.onversation W.ith G.od (EJ Club Remix)
P.opular (Wayne G Heaven Anthem Mix)
I.nsatiable (Victor Calderone Club Mix)
C.asey (EJ Extended Dance Remix)
D.irty (Specificus Tahoe Dark Groove Mix)
U.nlovable (Album Version)
W.here Y.ou W.ant T.o B.e (Album Version)
Click on image to download.
Time: 79 Mins (72.29 MB)
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