In 1997, her song “Angel”, arguably her most famous song and inspired by the fatal overdose of Smashing Pumpkns touring keyboardist Jonathan Melvoin, made sales of her album “Surfacing” skyrocket. In Spring 1998 the song was included in the Motion Picture Soundtrack of “City of Angels”, which went on to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Album chart. In 2000, she won an International Achievement award and in 2004, won Pop Album of the Year for “Afterglow” and again shared the Songwriter of the Year award with Pierre Marchand for the singles "Fallen", "World on Fire", and "Stupid".
In addition to her personal artistic efforts, she also founded the Lilith Fair tour, which showcased female musicians in the late 1990s.
This is our second Strictly For Fans Only (SFFO) Mix. Listen without prejudice!

S.helter (V.iolin Mix)
B.lack (W.illiam O.rbit Mix)
D.irty L.ittle S.ecret (T.hievery C.orporation Mix)
J.ust L.ike M.e (D.MC Mix)
T.rain W.reck ( & R.obbie Mix)
I.ce (D.usted Mix)
A.ngel (D.usted Remix)
F.ear (H.ybrid's Super Collider Mix)
V.ox ( M.iddleton Mix)
P.ossession (R.abbit I.n T.he M.oon Mix)
S.ilence (N.iels G.ogh Vs T.homas G.old Remix)[with D.elerium]
S.tupid (H.yper Remix)
P.lenty (F.ade Mix)
W.orld O.n F.ire (J.unkie X.L Club Mix)
D.reaming (T.iesto Mix)[with B.T]
S.weet S.urrender (D.J T.iƫsto Remix)
H.old O.n (B.T Mix)
I L.ove Y.ou (B.T Mix)
F.allen (G.abriel & D.resden Anti-Gravity Mix)
A.dia (Radio Mix)
I W.ill R.emember Y.ou (Original Mix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 88 Mins (81.59 MB)
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