S.heena E.aston is the only artist to be on screen singing the title song "For Your Eyes Only" a James Bond film to date. This song was nominated for the "Best Female Vocal Performance" in 1981 and Best Original Song at the Academy Awards in 1982. Easton's U.S. success culminated in her winning the Grammy Award for Best New Artist of 1981.
E.aston is a international two-time Grammy Award winner and achieved 7 Gold albums and 1 Platinum and has sold over 4 million albums in the US alone, and over 20 million records worldwide.
She has recorded 16 studio albums, released 23 singles, and has 15 Top 40 hits on the US Billboard Hot 100. She is the only artist in the history of the US Billboard charts to have a top 3 hit on each of the Billboards key charts: Adult Contemporary, Dance, Pop, Country, and R&B.
This megamix is specially dedicated to SteveO.

A.lmost O.ver Y.ou (M.eteor G.arden Soundtrack)
F.or Y.our E.yes O.nly (J.ames B.ond Soundtrack)
D.o I.t F.or L.ove (Extended Remix)
S.trut (12'' Remix)
Y.ou C.an S.wing I.t (Smoothed out Remix)
J.immy M.ack (Extended Nix)
U G.ot T.he L.ook (12'' Remix)[with P.rince]
S.ugar W.alls (Extended Dance Mix)
S.o F.ar S.o G.ood (Extended Dance Version)
T.elefone (Club Mix)
S.wear (Extended Mix)
N.o D.eposit N.o R.eturn (12'' Mix)
T.he L.over I.n M.e (Extended Dance Mix)
W.hat C.omes N.aturally (Extended Club Version)
D.ays L.ike T.his (Extended Mix)
M.y T.reasure I.s Y.ou (Extened Mix)
1.01 (M.orales D.ef House Mix)
M.odern G.irl' 97 (Dance Mix)
G.iving U.p, G.iving I.n (J.oey N.egro Club Mix)
C.an't T.ake M.y E.yes O.ff Y.ou (Club Mix)
F.inger O.n T.he T.rigger (L.ove I.s I.n C.ontrol) (A.lmighty Club Mix)
D.on't L.eave M.e T.his W.ay (A.lmighty Mix)
T.he A.rms O.f O.rion (LP Version)[with P.rince]
Click on image to download.
Time: 84 Mins (77.35 MB)
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