In December 2002, Andreas Lundstedt's boyfriend at the time, Magnus Carlsson, joined the group and released their 2nd album, "A.lcazarized", which became a big hit in Sweden.
But in the autumn of 2005, the band decided to take a break. In January 2008, their first and comeback single "W.e K.eep o.n R.ockin" was released from the album "D.isco D.efenders" which was released in March 2009. Their latest song "H.eadlines" was actually an entry in Melodifestivalen 2010 for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010. The song made its debut on Swedish Singles Charts at number 24 on March 5, 2010. The next week, the song managed to climb at number 10, giving A.lcazar another Top 10 hit in Sweden.

N.ot A S.inner N.or A S..aint (D.isco C.lub M.ix)
S.omeday (E.xtended V.ersion)
L.ove L.ife (E.xtended V.ersion)
R.itmo D.el A.mor (D.J C.andi C.lub M.ix)
S.exual G.uarantee (F.u-T.ourist R.emix)
S.tar T.he F.ire (E.xtended M.ix)
B.urning (C.ahill M.ix)
P.hysical (S.oundfactory C.lub A.nthem)
F.rom Brazil W.ith L.ove (C.alboy's C.opacabana C.lub M.ix)
W.e K.eep O.n R.ockin' (C.alboy's E.xtended D.ance M.ix)
D.on't Y.ou W.ant M.e (A.lmighty M.ix)
A.lcastar (C.lub J.unkies 12'' R.emix)
T.his I.s T.he W.orld W.e L.ive I.n (S.oundfactory C.lub M.ix)
M.enage À T.rois (F.L's D.arkroom F.antasy R.emix)
I.nhibitions (C.alboy's C.lub E.dit)
S.tay T.he N.ight (F.L C.lub M.ix)
C.rying A.t T.he D.iscoteque (I.llicit R.emix)
H.ere I A.m (M.ark J.ason's U.K S.onar C.lub A.nthem)
H.eadlines (R.adio M.ix)
Click on image to download.
Time: 70 Mins (65.16 MB)
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